Free Spells

Learn how to cast a simple spell with our free spells guide below.

Whether you are new to spellcasting or looking to enhance your practice, our tips and instructions will help you harness the power of magic.

Discover the secrets of Wicca and Voodoo spells to manifest your desires and bring positive energy into your life.

A simple love spell

Focus on your intention, using basic elements like candles, herbs, and visualization.




  • A pink or red candle

(symbolizing love and passion)


  • Rose petals or cinnamon

(for attraction)


  • A piece of paper and pen


  • A small dish or fire-safe container


  • Set Your Intention
    Find a quiet space and clear your mind. Focus on your desire—whether it’s attracting new love, strengthening a bond, or fostering self-love.


  • Light the Candle
    As you light the pink or red candle, say: "By flame and fire, love I seek, let my heart be warm, let my words be sweet."


  • Write Your Desire
    On the piece of paper, write down your wish for love. Be specific but ethical—Wicca values free will, so avoid targeting a specific person against their will. Instead, write qualities you seek in a partner or feelings you wish to manifest.


  • Fold and Burn the Paper
    Place the paper in the fire-safe dish and carefully burn it while visualizing love coming into your life. As the smoke rises, imagine your desire being carried into the universe.


  • Sprinkle the Herbs
    Sprinkle rose petals or cinnamon around the candle and say:
    "Love is welcome, love is near, may it find me, pure and clear."


  • Let the Candle Burn
    Let the candle burn down safely or snuff it out, thanking the energies for their assistance.



After the Spell

  • Keep an open heart and mind. Love often arrives in unexpected ways.
  • Trust in the process and act in ways that invite love into your life.


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